There are many different energy channels, or meridians in the human body.
The system of meridians is like a steadily intensifying network.
The 12 principal meridians run through the body symmetrically.
In addition, there are the 12 tributary meridians, the 8 extraordinary meridians, the 15 Luo meridians, network tributaries, muscle meridians and the skin meridians.
An imbalance in any of these energy meridians can cause a malfunction – for example, pain or stagnation – because the Qi and blood are not flowing properly.
Acupuncture is used to relieve the symptoms.
By selecting different acupuncture points, the Qi and blood can be directed along the meridians and their flow regulated in order to remove a blockage or congestion.
The needles used for acupuncture are extremely thin.
When the flow of Qi is released by the puncture, this can be felt as a dull, piercing, pulling, throbbing or, sometimes, even a numb sensation.
The patient may also experience a feeling of heat, salivate more or even begin to sweat.
All of the indications described are completely normal in acupuncture.
They may appear, but not necessarily.
Is there a scientific explanation for acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been a subject of intense discussion in Western medicine over the last 20 years.
What we do know is that acupuncture stimulates the production of the body’s own painkillers, endorphins, and modifies the pain signals sent to the brain.
What is more difficult to ascertain, however, is how acupuncture works on non-painful conditions.
Western medicine is in the dark here too, to a large extent.
Please note that a minimum of 10–12 acupuncture treatments is required, depending on the symptoms and progress.
Is this therapy covered by health insurers?
Yes, as long as you have supplementary insurance for alternative medicine.
Please check with your insurer what, exactly, they will reimburse.
Thalos Klinik am See
Haldenstrasse 4
76006 Luzer
041 412 28 57